

Well, the season of Lent is upon us. Church seasons are always enlightening times; they challenge us to see our faith differently than we might otherwise. They also bind us together as a community of faith during the observation of these seasons. In short, this is a time to be excited about.

It seems that the standard way to celebrate this church season is to "give something up." Personally, in the past I have gone forty days without:
  • Coffee. Never again.
  • Pop. Easy.
  • "Secular music." Whatever that means.
  • AIM. Remember that?
While it is all well and good to go without something, it should probably be remembered that the purpose of the exercise is to make room for God to work in one's life, as well as through one's life. To this end, many streams of Christian faith encourage their adherents to spend additional time in prayer or acts of service during this season.

Therefore, for this season, I have decided to engage a somewhat different approach; I have started a blog which will feature daily Scripture readings, reflections, and prayers. This blog will run the duration of the Lenten season. Not only will it provide daily content, but I also hope it will serve as a forum for people to discuss and process how God is working in their lives.

I am aware that those choosing to observe Lent have a variety of ways to do so, and I don't want to force my particular means of observation upon anyone. However, if you're reading this and think that you'd like to incorporate this blog into your own celebration of the season, then I welcome you to do so. Point your browser here to see what I've put up so far: http://continuumofgrace.wordpress.com/. It's rather sparse at this point, but I will work on it in terms of functionality and aesthetics in coming days. (And if any of you have suggestions, I'd love to hear them. Serious blogging is a bit new to me.) I'm looking forward to journeying together with you during this season.

The flipside of this is that such an endeavor requires time; in order to make time for this, I will be ignoring my Facebook account during this season. Contact information can be found under my Facebook account, should you need to reach me. I always enjoy hearing from friends, so please don't hesitate to get in touch.

It is my prayer that God becomes new and real in your life this season as we draw nearer to Easter; and not only that, but that he would use you to make himself real to others.
